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 29 results in yourPeople - Creatorsearch for"W Walker"Advanced Search
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'George the III, King of Great Britain', 1777. Artist: W Walker
'The Shipwreck of Telemachus', 1777. Artist: W Walker
'The Defeat and Death of the Tyrant Boccoris', 1774. Artist: W Walker
'Voltaire', 1774. Artist: W Walker
'Perdix, the Nephew of Daedalus, transformed into a Partridge', 1774. Artist: W Walker
'Peter Corneille', 1774. Artist: W Walker
'Narcissus seeing his reflection in a Fountain becomes enamourd of himself', 1775. Artist: W Walker
'Telemachus explains the questions of Minos', 1776. Artist: W Walker
'Procris Killed by an arrow which Cephalus darted through the thicket', 1775. Artist: W Walker
'Telemachus entreats Hazael to receive him as a Slave with Mentor', 1775. Artist: W Walker
'The Departure of Telemachus from Egypt', 1775. Artist: W Walker
'Telemachus gains Information of the commerce of Tyre', 1775. Artist: W Walker
'Hercules overcomes Antaeus, who opposes his Passage into Africa', 1775. Artist: W Walker
'Aristodemus, being elected King of Crete, is crowned by the venerable Sages', 1777. Artist: W Walker
'Bayle', 1774. Artist: W Walker
'Idomeneus attempts to destroy himself for having sacrificed his only Son...', 1775. Artist: W Walker
'Telemachus and Mentor at the altar, preparing to be sacrificed to the Manes of Anchises', 1774. Artist: W Walker
'Orpheus, by his Voice and Lyre, attracts the attention of the Animals, Rocks and Trees', 1774.Artist: W Walker
'Cerberus, chained by Hercules, infects the Earth with his foam', 1774. Artist: W Walker
'Cadmus and Hermione, metamorphosed into Serpents', 1776. Artist: W Walker
'The Transformation of Galanthis into a Weasel', 1777. Artist: W Walker
'Tereus, after having cut the tongue of Philomela, confines her in an old Castle', 1776. Artist: W Walker
'Thisbe takes the Sword already reeking with the blood of Pyramus, plunges it into...', 1775.Artist: W Walker
'Myrrha, retired into the Country of the Sabeans, is delivered of Adonis...', 1775. Artist: W Walker
'Meleager presents to Atalanta the head of the Callydonian Boar', 1774. Artist: W Walker
'The Nymph Echo, Chang'd into A Sound', 1774. Artist: W Walker
'Perseus Delivering Andromeda', 1775. Artist: W Walker
'Minerva protecting Telemachus, and preserving him from the Shafts of Love', 1775.Artist: W Walker
'The Transformation of Arachne into a Spider', 1775. Artist: W Walker